Global Coalition Urges UN Action to End Extrajudicial Killings Linked to Anti-Apostasy and Anti-Blasphemy Laws
Press Release
November 21, 2024


NEW YORK, 21 November -  Amid intense UN General Assembly (UNGA) Third Committee negotiations, a multi-faith coalition gathered at the nearby UN Church Center to urgently address extrajudicial killings stemming from anti-apostasy and anti-blasphemy laws.

Organized by Ex-Muslims of North America (EXMNA) and Jubilee Campaign, and co-sponsored by American Humanist Association, Set My People Free, and the World Evangelical Alliance, the event featured powerful testimonies and actionable recommendations from victims and their families.

Speakers included USCIRF Commissioner Mohammed Elsanousi, IRF Secretariat Nadine Maenza, UN Special Rapporteur Dr. Nazila Ghanea (via a pre-recorded statement), and leading advocates such as Joseph Jansen from Pakistan, international human rights lawyer Kola Alapinni, Ahmadi rights advocate Nasar Ahmad, and exiled women’s rights activist Gulalai Ismail.

During Mashal Naseem’s moving testimonial about her father’s senseless murder, Ms. Maenza emphasized the devastation by saying, “this is the cost of these laws. These aren’t white collar crimes, these are horrific human rights violations that cost people and destroy families and society. So thank you, [Mashal], for taking us out of the academic side.”  

The event aimed to propose concrete measures to protect those at risk of violence and promote accountability. Organizers hope to make this an annual gathering to maintain focus on protecting human dignity amidst UN negotiations.

In addition to the repeal of these laws, key recommendations from panelists included:

  • Mohammed Elsanousi, USCIRF Commissioner: “Lift the national security waiver so that compulsory sanctions can be imposed.”

  • Kola Alapinni, Esq.: “Return Nigeria to the list of Countries of Particular Concern. Travel bans for influential traditional monarchs could prompt quicker action.”

  • Joseph Jansen: “Tie aid to implementation of international conventions, sanction judges issuing extreme sentences, and hold police officers and clerics accountable for unlawful killings.”

  • Nasar Ahmad: “Create a streamlined platform to support families of blasphemy victims.”

  • Gulalai Ismail: “Develop protection mechanisms for human rights defenders and those accused of blasphemy.”

  • Mashal Naseem: “Provide international legal assistance to US Citizens charged with blasphemy or apostasy abroad”

  • Nadine Maenza: “Educate on the harmful impact of anti-blasphemy laws—these laws do not bring peace.”

The coalition calls on UN member states to act decisively in addressing the culture of impunity surrounding extrajudicial killings linked to anti-apostasy and anti-blasphemy laws.

Contact Information: Aysha Khan: [email protected] Hulda Fahmi: [email protected]

Full event recording available HERE

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Ex-Muslims of North America (EXMNA) advocates for acceptance of religious dissent, promotes secular values, and aims to reduce discrimination faced by those who leave Islam. We envision a world where every person is free to follow their conscience, irrespective of religious dogma or oppression.

Jubilee Campaign promotes the human rights and religious liberty of ethnic and religious minorities in the most oppressive countries. We assist individuals seeking asylum from religious persecution as well as promote the care and well-being of larger groups of refugees fleeing religious and ethnic persecution.  Jubilee Campaign is part of the global coalition of over 90 individuals and organizations of diverse beliefs and backgrounds calling for the repeal of the death penalty for apostasy and blasphemy. 

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