Celebrating man’s best friend
Unbelief Brief
August 27, 2024
Dissent Dispatch: volume 17

Hello and Welcome

This week’s Unbelief Brief looks at the Taliban’s decree against the sound of women’s voices and how Pakistan’s Supreme Court is kowtowing to extremists. In EXMNA Insights we delve deeper into Islam’s disdain for dogs and the prohibition on keeping them as pets.Persecution Tracker Updates: Afghanistan and Pakistan meting out harsh blasphemy punishments

The Unbelief Brief

You may have heard that the Taliban have recently mandated all women go completely covered in public, from head to toe, with no part of their face visible. It is the inevitable conclusion of the inhumanity of their ideology. You may or may not have heard just how unbelievable the new law’s provisions are. It is part of a cumulative strategy for “the promotion of virtue and the prevention of vice,” and, as the Associated Press reports, is truly unthinkable:

“Women should veil themselves in front of all male strangers, including Muslims, and in front of all non-Muslims to avoid being corrupted. A woman’s voice is deemed intimate and so should not be heard singing, reciting, or reading aloud in public. It is forbidden for women to look at men they are not related to by blood or marriage and vice versa.”

Also banned now: “the publication of images of living beings”; all music; “the transportation of solo female travelers”; and “the mixing of men and women who are not related to each other.” As said: unbelievable, and the shadow of the Taliban makes Afghanistan only darker with each passing year that they hold power.

Pakistan, by contrast, is nowhere near this level of despotism, though there seem to be many who wish to make it so. A mob of such people recently stormed the Pakistan Supreme Court demanding the resignation of the Chief Justice because of a ruling which granted bail to an Ahmadi Muslim accused of blasphemy. To our dismay, the Court appears to have caved and is now promising to “review” aspects of the verdict. It’s becoming a tale as old as time in Pakistan: the extremists and arsonists in the country are too big a faction to meaningfully oppose, and they are instead appeased at every turn in a desperate effort to prevent things from really spiraling out of control.

Finally, a small bit of good news—and a reminder that vestiges of sanity are still with us in a world barreling away from secularism. A judge in Maine has ruled—or, more accurately, simply reaffirmed—that schools receiving state funding must comply with state anti-discrimination laws, something which has long irked religious schools seeking, primarily, to deny entry to LGBT+ students. This is, at least, good news for now, as an appeal could very well end up before the Supreme Court, and there is little doubt what six justices there will do with it.

EXMNA Insights

Yesterday was National Dog Day in the US—a celebration of the deep bond between humans and their canine companions. But Islam’s view on “man’s best friend” is strikingly different. According to an often-cited hadith, “Whoever keeps a dog, except for herding or hunting, will lose two Qirats of reward every day.” This has led to a widespread belief that dogs should not be kept as pets. Muhammad even claimed that Angel Gabriel once skipped visiting his home because of a puppy hiding under the bed. Gabriel allegedly told him, “Angels do not enter a house with a dog.” Soon after, Muhammad ordered the killing of all dogs, sparing only those guarding large fields—likely a nod to their practical role in farming rather than any divine command. His disdain for dogs didn’t stop there; black dogs, in particular, were singled out as embodiments of the devil.

These views are outdated and cruel since in today’s world, dogs are indispensable. For many, especially those with physical or mental disabilities, dogs are more than pets—they’re essential companions that provide much-needed independence and improve the overall quality of life. Beyond that, pet dogs help reduce social isolation, boost physical activity, and lower stress. The undeniable benefits of dog ownership highlight how Islam’s prohibition is irrational, outdated, and cruel. In the light of modern understanding, Islam’s stance on dogs reveals a disconnect with the vital role these animals play in contemporary society. Once again, Muhammad’s personal biases are enshrined in Islam, invalidating its claim of being a timeless, universal religion. Instead, Islam clings to the misguided views of a 7th-century charlatan, refusing to discard them as unfounded and irrelevant.

Persecution Tracker Updates

In Afghanistan, the Taliban have reportedly subjected a man accused of blasphemy to a public flogging—read about that here. Also: a garden-variety Qur’an-burning accusation in Pakistan, here.

EXMNA Updates

This year, we hosted our very first Apostasy Day Meme Contest, and on Thursday, August 22nd, we celebrated by announcing the top three winners!

In 3rd place, we have "We Have Different Values Than the West" by Reddit user World_oyster_! This clever meme uses a familiar image to point out a common justification used by both Muslims and Western “progressives.”

In 2nd place, it's "Hotel Islam" by Anonymous! Drawing inspiration from the classic "Hotel California," this meme features an Imam at a dilapidated motel saying, “You can check out, but you can never leave.” Happy people line up, while a bin of decapitated heads nods to Sahih al-Bukhari 6922.

And nabbing 1st place is "Islam is the Fastest Growing Religion" by JJ! 🏆

This meme hilariously critiques the idea that Islam’s growth equates to its truth. JJ humorously points out how Dawah culture sidesteps the more uncomfortable parts of the religion, making assumptions about why people convert and stay. The meme even references Tafsir ibn-Kathir’s interpretation of verses like 5:33 (waging war against Allah) and 9:29, which commands fighting others based on religious differences.

Thanks for joining us for another EXMNA contest! Got an idea for our next one? Let us know at [email protected]!

Until next week,The Team at Ex-Muslims of North AmericaP.S. We’d love to hear from you! Share your feedback at [email protected].

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