Freedom of Speech
"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."
Freedom of Speech

Censorship is the first line of defense for orthodoxy, and fighting it is essential to the health of a free society.

One of the most common undercurrents of repressive Islamic regimes is speech control. States’ constitutions may theoretically guarantee freedom of expression, but in practice, most Islamic nations impose broad exceptions to this rule. Restrictions target religious and political dissent alike.

Of particular concern in the digital age is the weaponization of social media. Ideally a tool to facilitate the free flow of ideas, social media content is routinely subject to regime-imposed blocks in Muslim-majority countries, often with the cooperation of the companies themselves. Meanwhile, special laws enacted in these countries in the last decade have singled out online speech for prosecution—often under the false pretense of controlling misinformation and hate speech, sometimes more explicitly stating the aim to curb political and religious dissent.

Globally, social media companies enforce their guidelines in problematic ways, in some cases discouraging an atmosphere of free expression. Ex-Muslims in particular are affected by this. Algorithmic responses to community violations are frequently abused with targeted reporting campaigns, and community standards recently implemented by Facebook provide that content attacking “ideas” and “concepts” can be subject to removal under certain circumstances.

These conditions pose a threat to the principle that one should be always free to express oneself openly—a principle vital for ex-Muslims’ ability to live free from fear and persecution.

what you need to know
Muslim-majority countries where criticizing religion and/or leaving Islam can be punished by law
Countries classified as "Partly Free" or "Not Free" by Freedom House
how we address this issue
what we advocate for
Ex-Muslims of North America advocates for the following policy actions in defense of the right to blaspheme:
All laws restricting freedom of speech and expression should be abolished.
Social media company policies should not collaborate with authoritarian regimes in the blocking or removal of content.
Social media content moderation policies should prioritize the protection of users’ physical safety, and never the protection of certain ideas and concepts from criticism.
If you want to help us continue this work toward a world free of religious oppression, please donate today—as it’s only with the aid of people like you that we can continue to do what we do.
A rise in honor-based violence in the Netherlands

The Dispatch Returns with New Insights

This week's Unbelief Brief exposes the harsh realities faced by women and dissenters worldwide.

The Unbelief Brief

Commemorating Mahsa Amini’s Legacy

Dissent Dispatch: Your Weekly Update

In this week’s Unbelief Brief, we look at charges against an Iranian actress for dancing in public and Erdogan’s vow to purge military officials for supporting a secular democracy.

Blasphemy related mob violence in Bangladesh

Welcome to This Edition of Dissent Dispatch

This week’s Unbelief Brief spotlights mob violence in Bangladesh, a terrorist attack in Afghanistan and Iranian citizens growing dissatisfaction with their government.

The Unbelief Brief

A win for a female Afghan paralympic athlete!

Welcome to the Latest Edition

This week’s Unbelief Brief covers another victim of Iran’s draconian hijab law and the return of a conservative Islamic political party in Bangladesh.

Celebrating man’s best friend

Hello and Welcome

This week’s Unbelief Brief looks at the Taliban’s decree against the sound of women’s voices and how Pakistan’s Supreme Court is kowtowing to extremists. In EXMNA Insights we delve deeper into Islam’s disdain for dogs and the prohibition on keeping them as pets.Persecution Tracker Updates: Afghanistan and Pakistan meting out harsh blasphemy punishments

The Unbelief Brief

Our Thoughts on Apostasy Day

Welcome to Another Edition of Our Newsletter

This week’s Unbelief Brief brings you yet another disturbing enforcement of Iran’s hijab law, another clothing law in Tajikistan, and finally takes you state-side to Texas.

Enter our Meme Contest!

Greetings from Dissent Dispatch

Welcome back! This week:

Muslim Women in Sports: Limited by Modesty or Empowered by Having a Space?

This Week's Dispatch Awaits You

Thanks for joining us! This week we bring you Iranian human rights statistics and honor killings in The Unbelief Brief. We also discuss female athletics, the hijab, and the Olympics in EXMNA Insights.

The Unbelief Brief

The Olympics, child marriage, and a freedom of speech violation

Welcome back

The Unbelief Brief: the Paris Olympics have incited multiple issues, and a new Gallup poll shows a fascinating update on creationism.

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