Women's Rights
Religious cultures that perpetuate inequality should not command deference.
Women's Rights

Islam, like most religions, imposes centuries-old dogma on women and demands their submission. Their role is as silent servants first and individuals second—and their treatment in Islamic states reflects this fundamental inequality. In too many of these states, women are explicitly denied rights afforded to men—freedom of movement, freedom to work, and freedom to wear what one pleases.

More broadly, troubling patterns in Islamic scripture and custom exacerbate gender inequality. It is women who bear the guilt and shame of “modesty culture,” not men. In many countries, women cannot initiate the process of divorce and are not entitled to any of the couple’s shared possessions, nor can they seek meaningful justice if they are raped by their husbands. And in the most extreme cases, a woman who fails to remain chaste and in her place risks honor violence.

Human rights—to blaspheme, speak, and live freely—are universal and do not discriminate by sex. No woman’s freedom or agency should be impeded for the sake of a religious text, and a religious culture that perpetuates inequality should not command deference.

what you need to know
Number of countries with no specific domestic violence prohibitions
WPS Index's 10 worst countries for women's rights where a majority practices Islam
Percent of Muslims who live under a system where women are forced to wear head coverings
how we address this issue
what we advocate for
Ex-Muslims of North America advocates for the following policy actions in defense of the right to blaspheme:
All countries must explicitly grant women the same rights to secular divorce, inheritance, property ownership, and child custody as men.
All laws that place power over a woman's freedom of movement and autonomy with male guardians must be revoked.
Countries which mandate that women wear certain garments, or refrain from wearing certain garments, must revoke the relevant laws.
If you want to help us continue this work toward a world free of religious oppression, please donate today—as it’s only with the aid of people like you that we can continue to do what we do.
Iran’s Hijab Crackdown: A Moment of Defiance?

Another week, another battle for freedom

From Iran’s hijab crackdown to creative Ramadan rule-bending, this week’s Dissent Dispatch covers resistance in all its forms. The Unbelief Brief details how Iranian President Mahmoud Pezeshkian’s refusal to enforce the new hijab law signals potential change—but women still face brutal repression for defying the dress code. Meanwhile, as International Women’s Day approaches, the regime’s hypocrisy is on full display, with artists like Mehdi Yarrahi facing lashings for daring to speak out. 

The Tragic Cost of ‘Honor’

This Week’s Latest

This week, The Unbelief Brief examines the brutal persistence of honor killings and the Taliban’s escalating repression in Afghanistan. EXMNA Insights explores the irony of the Nation of Islam rejecting slave names only to adopt others with similar implications. 

Courage, Censorship, and Coercion

Welcome Back to Dissent Dispatch

This week brings sobering reminders of the consequences of defying religious orthodoxy. In South Africa, the murder of Muhsin Hendricks—a pioneering figure who sought to reconcile Islam with LGBT+ rights—underscores the deadly risks of challenging doctrine. In London, a Qur’an-burning incident resulted in violence, and yet it is the attack victim who now faces charges for “religious harassment.” And in Tajikistan, the government’s attempt to curb Islam’s influence by dictating women’s dress is just another form of coercion. The fight for true freedom—of belief, speech, and personal autonomy—continues.

The Unbelief Brief

The Cost of Modesty Culture & Islam’s Role in the Slave Trade

Welcome to This Edition of the Unbelief Brief

This week, in The Unbelief Brief, we examine a heartbreaking case of honor violence. In the UK, a man has been convicted under a law that increasingly resembles a de-facto blasphemy law, raising concerns about free speech. In EXMNA Insights we dive into a critical yet often overlooked discussion: the deep historical ties between Islam and the transatlantic slave trade. 

The Unbelief Brief

Sweden, Quebec, and the Hijab Debate

Your Weekly Dispatch Has Arrived

Welcome back! This week’s Unbelief Brief takes us to the unusual suspects of Sweden, Quebec, and New York. We share our thoughts about Miraj in EXMNA Insights and share a recent case from Pakistan in The Persecution Tracker.

The Unbelief Brief

From an “imaginary concert” in Iran

Back for the Latest? This Week’s Dispatch is Here

Welcome back! This week, our Unbelief Brief examines Iran’s modesty laws and moral codes and Pakistan’s latest vigilante efforts.

The Unbelief Brief

Thoughts on Syria

Dissent Dispatch: Current Perspectives

This week we discuss Syria in The Unbelief Brief while EXMNA Insights questions if the Quran can coexist with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

The Unbelief Brief

Iran's plan to send women to "hijab clinics" for defying Islamic dress code

This Week's Edition Has Arrived

In this week's Unbelief Brief: Iran is taking a dangerous turn by proposing "hijab clinics" to institutionalize women who defy its dress codes under the guise of psychological treatment. In the U.S., Texas public schools face pressure to adopt a curriculum favoring Christian teachings, blurring the line between church and state. Meanwhile, Indonesia’s arrest of a transgender influencer for alleged blasphemy highlights the country’s growing crackdown on religious dissent.

Unbelief Brief

Blasphemy arrests are on the rise in Pakistan

Back for more? This Week’s Dispatch Has Arrived

Welcome back. This week our Unbelief Brief brings up an issue of hate speech persecuted as blasphemy, along with staggering new statistics on blasphemy-related arrests and imprisonments in Pakistan.

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