Islam, like most religions, imposes centuries-old dogma on women and demands their submission. Their role is as silent servants first and individuals second—and their treatment in Islamic states reflects this fundamental inequality. In too many of these states, women are explicitly denied rights afforded to men—freedom of movement, freedom to work, and freedom to wear what one pleases.
More broadly, troubling patterns in Islamic scripture and custom exacerbate gender inequality. It is women who bear the guilt and shame of “modesty culture,” not men. In many countries, women cannot initiate the process of divorce and are not entitled to any of the couple’s shared possessions, nor can they seek meaningful justice if they are raped by their husbands. And in the most extreme cases, a woman who fails to remain chaste and in her place risks honor violence.
Human rights—to blaspheme, speak, and live freely—are universal and do not discriminate by sex. No woman’s freedom or agency should be impeded for the sake of a religious text, and a religious culture that perpetuates inequality should not command deference.
Welcome to the Latest Edition
This week’s Unbelief Brief covers another victim of Iran’s draconian hijab law and the return of a conservative Islamic political party in Bangladesh.
Hello and Welcome
This week’s Unbelief Brief looks at the Taliban’s decree against the sound of women’s voices and how Pakistan’s Supreme Court is kowtowing to extremists. In EXMNA Insights we delve deeper into Islam’s disdain for dogs and the prohibition on keeping them as pets.Persecution Tracker Updates: Afghanistan and Pakistan meting out harsh blasphemy punishments
The Unbelief Brief
Welcome to Another Edition of Our Newsletter
This week’s Unbelief Brief brings you yet another disturbing enforcement of Iran’s hijab law, another clothing law in Tajikistan, and finally takes you state-side to Texas.
This Week's Dispatch Awaits You
Thanks for joining us! This week we bring you Iranian human rights statistics and honor killings in The Unbelief Brief. We also discuss female athletics, the hijab, and the Olympics in EXMNA Insights.
The Unbelief Brief
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The Unbelief Brief: the Paris Olympics have incited multiple issues, and a new Gallup poll shows a fascinating update on creationism.
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Thank you for joining us for our 10th edition!
Hello and welcome back to Dissent Dispatch! This week: